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Workshop in the framework of the “Exhibition Carpet Art: Evolution of Meanings” in Baku

On September 23, the Azerbaijan National Carpet Museum hosted “Meaningful ornaments” workshop within the frame of the “Exhibition Carpet Art: Evolution of Meanings” in Baku. The artist CHINGIZ gave detailed information about his carpets. He emphasized that the patterns on them work differently for each carpet individually. The author talked about the process of creation…

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“Traditions and Innovations”. Discussion in the framework of the “Exhibition Carpet Art: Evolution of Meanings” in Baku

1 октября в рамках в рамках недавно открывшейся выставки «Ковровое искусство - эволюция смыслов» в Азербайджанском национальном музее ковра состоялась дискуссия на тему «Традиции и инновации» с участием искусствоведов, студентов художественных и декоративно-прикладных факультетов вузов, а также представителей СМИ. Модератором дискуссии выступил доктор философии по искусствоведению Эльчин Шамилли. Участники задали множество вопросов куратору выставки Ширин…

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Exhibition​ “Carpet Art. Evolution of Meanings” in Kazan

From July 8 2021 through 5 September 2021 the Historic-Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve The Kazan Kremlin (Kazan, Russia) hosted the exhibition​ “Carpet Art. Evolution of Meanings”. ​ The Azerbaijan National Carpet Museum demonstrated in Kazan the traditional masterpieces of carpet weaving art of the 19th and 20th centuries, in dialogue with contemporary carpets, carpet sketches,…

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Nasimi Festival 2018

Nasimi Festival 2018

Over the course of the period from September 27-30, 2018, took place a multi-disciplinary festival that bears the name of the great 14th-century poet, Imadeddin Nasimi (1369-1417). Imadaddin Nasimi was born in Shamakhi, once one of the key towns on the Silk Road. He was the most influential advocate of Hurufism, a variation of Sufism…

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