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The presentation “Museum Collections in the Context of Contemporary Art and Fashion Industry”

Cultural Heritage and Cultural and Creative Industries: Build Our Peaceful Future from the Heritage of the Past session has been held within the framework of Road to the 2021 Nanjing Peace Forum.

Dr. Shirin Melikova, Director of Azerbaijan National Carpet Museum delivered a presentation Museum Collections in the Context of Contemporary Art and Fashion Industry at the online session organized by the UNESCO Almaty Cluster Office. Dr. Melikova spoke in detail about the history, activities, and collections of the ANCM. She described the collaboration between the museum and prominent contemporary artists who thoroughly study the carpet weaving art that is a source of inspiration to create new artworks. Director mentioned the successful projects realized together with CHINGIZ and Rufat Ismayilov, fashion designer and founder of AFFFAIR.

She gave information about the museum’s exhibition Carpet Art. Evolution of Meanings. The exhibition was on display at the Kazan Kremlin Museum-Reserve this year and included CHINGIZ’s author works. Dr Melikova also highlighted the Haute Couture Collection by fashion designer Rufat Ismayil presented during the Paris Fashion Week. The collection consists of 21 dresses created based on the rich motifs of Azerbaijani carpets.

Specialists from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan also delivered speeches during the session.